Home bypass icloud New method to unlock Bypass icloud on ipad 2, 3, 4 changing imei Tags:imei, ipad, unlock New method to unlock Bypass icloud on ipad 2, 3, 4 changing imei

New method to unlock Bypass icloud on ipad 2, 3, 4 changing imei

This post is based on a new video from the vietnam webpage iFixit.vn team, they are a mobile developers based on removing icloud via hardware method. this new method use a old software from 2013 to change IMEI from iphone 4, this works good on iphone 4, via usb cable. but if something go wrong you may damage the iphone for ever. Thats why the software advise you to make a backup of your all s/n , imei and udid.

But this is not about iphone 4 this is about all ipads models, iFixit.vn release a YT video with a machine can print a new IMEI on the ipad chip, so you can use it as a new ipad .

check how its done :

this IMEI changer call BONRDA it may be a good solution to unlock ipads using hardware rewritable imei machine.


New method to unlock Bypass icloud on ipad 2, 3, 4 changing imei

iPhone 4 Change SN and IMEI,Remove Apple ID,Active iPhone seems work also in ipad but you need this BONRDA machine from iFixit

you can download the software here :

free tool can changes and imei to unlock iphone

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