Latest news from smartphone industry is that the new Blackberry phones are on its way to market launch. Both the phones will run on Android. The speciality of the latest Android version Blackberry phones are that they are coming into the market on the background of a failure. Last launch only account for 600000 units on last quarter.The top officials admits that Priv the last launch was a misstep. The problem occurred in the pricing strategy. Recently the price has dropped to $649.
The strategy of the two upcoming models named the Rome and the Hamburg will be available in mid-level price. Blackberry planning to sell exactly as per their marketing plan. The plan is to sell truly secure Android devices. The very blurry images of the two upcoming models will reflect the Blackberry officials effort to keep company as a hardware company.
Anyway, it is sure that both the models from Blackberry were already created quite an excitement on smartphone lovers.